Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vapors Majestic!

The air is crisp & clean! As I look out at Blue Mountain I get the sense Ole' Blue is preparing itself for the first snow cover. As the morning was very chilly I needed to add a few extra logs on the fire. I'm calling each log MAJESTIC . As they burn they blow off special vapors!!
The vapors Majestic remind me of a retreat I made up in the Catskills where I thought the view of those mountains were wonderful, but Blue Mountain in the Adirondacks is majestic; breathe taking!!
Vapors from the wood that burns I'm calling MAJESTIC; the trees that give of themselves are MAJESTIC. As the smoke (the vapors) rise high above Blue, I send wishes of Peace, Goodness, Gentleness and Kindness to all surrounding communities here and everywhere.

So remember to breathe in peace and breathe out goodness; breathe in gentleness and breathe out kindness; what a Vapors Majestic experience!!

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