Monday, February 15, 2010

Introduced to Our Lady of Kibeho on Blue Mt. Lake!

(photo courtesy of Our Lady's

It began as a birthday celebration for me; turned into an imaginary Blue Mt. "Olympics" with those in attendance two of my seven children, Julia & Amy, granddaughter Christina & her little friend Isabelle & my younger brother Robby. Their visit with me here on Blue Mt; was delightful as I enjoyed turning one year older on Feb 10, 2010 !! Arriving during the height of the Vancouver Olympics added enthusiasm to their desire to create their own special Blue Mt. Olympics as they took turns sliding down my "slope" mini driveway hill!!

It was a...FUN at first ride!!

The only reason I didn't "jump" on the sled was I was roasting our delicious turkey dinner & my bones can't afford any unsuspected bumps. My family loved the ride on the slippery slope & I loved watching them & listening to their screams & laughter.
During the early evening as we settled down in front of the wood stove; I placed two logs on the smoldering fire; and remembered how many logs I've used during these past two months since my last post: November, 2009!

I had been naming my logs and wanted to continue this practice. Giving a "new" name became a special "ceremony"of the logs, but I haven't blogged in a while & I've fallen behind in sharing since last postings. Names such as "authenticity; patience; wisdom; resilience; gratitude were sent along moving & inspiring thoughts I've decided to send out over the beautiful Blue Mt. Lake!! Wishing all in these gracious, life giving mountains words of encouragement.

Then a wonderful visit (Sunday Night Live) on EWTN with my good friend Fr. Benedict Groeshel, CFR; brought to our attention a new and approved apparition of Our Lady of the Word! Our Lady appeared in Kibeho, Rwanda first appearance in November, 1981 and just this apparition has been recently approved in 2001, by the Catholic church as authentic.

I've now begun a Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Word & will continue my prayers to Our Blessed Mother until the war ends and our country lives in peace & harmony across the miles. My Blue Mt. posts will now focus on answered prayers from this special appearance of Our Lady in this ravaged African country of Rwanda!
Until I hear the message of HOPE from my Blessed Mother of the Word, I will continue to name each log place in my wood stove, I will continue to pray for peace & continued success for all endeavors both for my blog readers & for the journey I'm embarking on with my beloved family! Thank you for joining me in prayer!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Log="Service"

The "SERVICE" log displays such fidelity! It provides heat to simmer the "turkey soup"; warmth for the chilly evening; dancing flames & firey embers; crackling sounds which speak to me of Peace (some day); Joy, as we gathered to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner; Love for family; friends and neighbors.

All across this beautiful country so many people gave of themselves in "service" to others this Thanksgiving holiday. For the less fortunate, meals were prepared; served, delivered and enjoyed!

But for some the holidays always bring a bit of sorrow with it! They do for me; I can't help but remember the Thanksgivings spent with mom & dad (of happy memory); and I cry when I remember my youngest son Abby (age 24) RIP!

Having lost him to an unprovoked act of violence (murder) my heart aches each holiday; missing him; wondering how he would look these 14 years later. Families across this country are grieving as well and I offer the "service" of my prayers & thoughts for them. I'm thankful for my six living children who draw close during these precious holidays; if not physically here with me; they always send messages of love.

Thanks from the bottom of my broken heart to all who "serve" others in whatever way. especially those who give their lives for our safety; armed servicemen; firefighters; police officers; religious & spiritual leaders and all those kind people who give of themselves; all those unsung heroes/heroines! Whomever & wherever you are; "THANK YOU!"

A special thanks as well from my healed heart which has healed from joining with all those who suffer; I'm thankful I'm not alone in my sorrow; and I'm especially thankful that God gave me the grace & the courage to write & forgive the young man ( in prison) who took my son's life.

As I close with the "SERVICE" log being placed on the fire in the stove; I'm sending Thanksgiving vapors of gratitude; and hope I continue to remember to say "Thanks" as I gaze at the smoke that rises over Blue Mountain Lake!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Favor" the Log is on Fire!

Favor can elicit a number of ideas! It could speak of a high place in the order of selection; this may give you a clue as to why today's log is called "FAVOR"! These days haven't been too cold so FAVOR has been waiting to be put in the wood stove and the weather has been in a high place in my selection.
The logs are stacked waiting for the next frost to set in ; but the weather is calm & I happy for the time spent out of doors. THese days have given me a welcomed opportunity to get some exercise; even short walks are good. Let me encourage you to do whatever your body can tolerate. Remember to not overdo it!!
These are great days! Practice your breathing exercises! Begin your day with inhaling peace from FAVOR's vapors and exhaling goodness from FAVOR's gift. The naming of the logs changes my thoughts from seeing logs as ordinary hunks of wood to life & warmth giving entities!
Keeping warm is essential as the winter months draw near and if the heat source is wood each log is precious. All heat sources are precious but logs a visible signs for us!

For me, naming each log keeps me mindful of the living trees, helps me remember to FAVOR the trees, and when day is done helps me remember that I'm breathing in the vapors of FAVOR both the living FAVORS and the burning FAVORS!

Best wishes to all for a Peaceful Thanksgiving Holiday!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vapors Majestic!

The air is crisp & clean! As I look out at Blue Mountain I get the sense Ole' Blue is preparing itself for the first snow cover. As the morning was very chilly I needed to add a few extra logs on the fire. I'm calling each log MAJESTIC . As they burn they blow off special vapors!!
The vapors Majestic remind me of a retreat I made up in the Catskills where I thought the view of those mountains were wonderful, but Blue Mountain in the Adirondacks is majestic; breathe taking!!
Vapors from the wood that burns I'm calling MAJESTIC; the trees that give of themselves are MAJESTIC. As the smoke (the vapors) rise high above Blue, I send wishes of Peace, Goodness, Gentleness and Kindness to all surrounding communities here and everywhere.

So remember to breathe in peace and breathe out goodness; breathe in gentleness and breathe out kindness; what a Vapors Majestic experience!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Compassion Descends from Blue!

Grandchildren are special! This was a working weekend for my Bowllan grandchildren! They stacked wood; carefully kept a close eye on Sr. Mary (92 year old Dominican religious) 75 years in the convent; spent time in the tree house blowing bubbles and seeing Blue Mt from a higher place; and just simply being young & carefree. It's a joy being able to watch them scout about taking in the world of Blue Mt. Lake. Daughter Amy is a real blessing as well; she's #5 but was a #1 companion these past three days. Today's log I'm naming: Compassion! It's smoldering evenly and sending smoke out into the atmosphere dropping compassion on the world below! Show someone the compassion you've received!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Clouds Cover Blue!

No view of the summit today! Although it's out of sight we know the mountain is still there. The amazing mountain peak is a delight & I so love to gaze upon it on a sunny day; which helps one to hold the memory of the mountain in one's memory.

As I continue to stack my logs for the rough winter months , I surely appreciate the able assistance of my grandson John Anthony, who is stacking ten to every one I stack.

Today's memory log will be named PERSEVERANCE! Without the gift of perseverance many of the tasks we undertake would be left undone or incomplete. The perseverance log is burning extremely well. I will call out to the log in the spirit of perseverance & send the smoke signals all across the mountain tops & the lake. I know the essence of these burning logs will filter down upon all of Blue Mt. Lake.
Let us remember the Logs of Perseverance.
Have a Great day!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Keep the Fire Alive!!!

One Log at a time so the embers don't die down! I'm going to name the logs as I place them in the wood stove on top of the brickettes!!! This mornings log I'll name Peace: Peace log spread your burning message of peace throughout the whole world. Save our service men from harm; embrace families in need of comfort this day & bring love to all here in the mountains and everywhere. Have a Peacefilled Day!!