It began as a birthday celebration for me; turned into an imaginary Blue Mt. "Olympics" with those in attendance two of my seven children, Julia & Amy, granddaughter Christina & her little friend Isabelle & my younger brother Robby. Their visit with me here on Blue Mt; was delightful as I enjoyed turning one year older on Feb 10, 2010 !! Arriving during the height of the Vancouver Olympics added enthusiasm to their desire to create their own special Blue Mt. Olympics as they took turns sliding down my "slope" mini driveway hill!!
It was a...FUN at first ride!!
The only reason I didn't "jump" on the sled was I was roasting our delicious turkey dinner & my bones can't afford any unsuspected bumps. My family loved the ride on the slippery slope & I loved watching them & listening to their screams & laughter.
During the early evening as we settled down in front of the wood stove; I placed two logs on the smoldering fire; and remembered how many logs I've used during these past two months since my last post: November, 2009!
I had been naming my logs and wanted to continue this practice. Giving a "new" name became a special "ceremony"of the logs, but I haven't blogged in a while & I've fallen behind in sharing since last postings. Names such as "authenticity; patience; wisdom; resilience; gratitude were sent along moving & inspiring thoughts I've decided to send out over the beautiful Blue Mt. Lake!! Wishing all in these gracious, life giving mountains words of encouragement.
Then a wonderful visit (Sunday Night Live) on EWTN with my good friend Fr. Benedict Groeshel, CFR; brought to our attention a new and approved apparition of Our Lady of the Word! Our Lady appeared in Kibeho, Rwanda first appearance in November, 1981 and just this apparition has been recently approved in 2001, by the Catholic church as authentic.
I've now begun a Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Word & will continue my prayers to Our Blessed Mother until the war ends and our country lives in peace & harmony across the miles. My Blue Mt. posts will now focus on answered prayers from this special appearance of Our Lady in this ravaged African country of Rwanda!
Until I hear the message of HOPE from my Blessed Mother of the Word, I will continue to name each log place in my wood stove, I will continue to pray for peace & continued success for all endeavors both for my blog readers & for the journey I'm embarking on with my beloved family! Thank you for joining me in prayer!
Wow Such a great description of that beautiful mountain hermitage. i can only imagine how wonderful it is to be waking up to the chirps of those blue jays. I was awed by the presence of that Blue swirling mountain overlooking that frozen lake. The deer the path in the back all call me back soon. May you be blessed Mom!! ! I love you Happy Birthday! Jo