Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Looking Forward with Hope!

The mountain is covered with clouds......On top of Ole Smokey!!

The day is overcast but warm...........O' what a beautiful morning!

A few heart healthy tips for the day: Get out & walk when the weather good; bend & stretch your muscles as much as you can tolerate without exerting too much effort; start slow and build up your stamina and just enjoy the beauty of God's gift of nature in all ways!

Breathe in & breathe out slowly at least 5-10 times regularly With each breath repeat one word to yourself (my word for today is LOVE) inhale love & exhale love spreading your love energy to the top of Blue Mountain!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seems your approach to Cabin Life is an excellent way to avoid Cabin Fever. Reading books is Great and the Net has its place but connecting with the Body & the Breathe in my humble opinion is Paramount...Thanks & Warm Regards from the Mt. Ranger
